Changes in Air Temperature and Precipitation in Banjaluka in 1961?2022

Tatjana Popov, Slobodan Gnjato, Goran Trbić, Marko Ivanišević


Study analyses climate change in Banjaluka. It provides understanding of long-term trends (1961?2022) and shifts between last two standard thirty-year climatological periods: 1961?1990 and 1991?2020. Results showed significant warming; mean, maximum and minimum air temperatures displayed significant upward trends, at the annual level (0.51?C/10yr, 0.63?C/10yr, and 0.50?C/10yr, respectively) and in all seasons (strongest in summer; 0.68?C/10yr, 0.80?C/10yr, and 0.64?C/10yr, respectively). Emergence of heat extremes was apparent in last decades. Highest magnitude of trends was obtained for TXx (0.73?C/10yr), TN90p (14.8 days/10yr), TX90 (12.4 days/10yr), SU25 (7.6 days/10yr), TX30 (7.1 days/10yr), WSDI (4.8 days/10yr). Changes in precipitation were mainly insignificant, however suggest redistribution of precipitation within the year (decrease in summer season and increase in autumn), increasing precipitation intensity and drying tendency (particularly in summer).

Key words: climate change, air temperature, precipitation, extreme climate indices, Banjaluka (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

? 2023?Serbian Geographical Society, Belgrade, Serbia.

This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the?Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs?3.0 Serbia.

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