Gis application in analysis of erosion intensity in the Vlasina River Basin
This paper analyses the state of erosion intensity in the Vlasina River Basin, the right tributary of the Južna Morava River. To determine the erosion intensity (Z) and sediment production, the Gavrilović method was used, in combination with the bare-soil index (BSI), with the application of geographic information systems (GIS) and multispectral satellite imagery. An erosion coefficient of 0.31 has been identified in the territory of the Vlasina River Basin, which has an area of 1,061.72 km². The prominent vertical fragmentation of the relief, large amount of precipitation in the source parts, density of the river network (1.65 km/km2), which is above the average river network density in Serbia, as well as inadequate land exploitation, are the main reasons why it is necessary to monitor the erosion intensity in the Vlasina River Basin. The annual production of the sediment is 462,496.30 m³, while the value of specific sediment production is 435,47 m³/km²/year. This study represents the attempt to apply modern technologies to d1etermine the intensity of erosion in the Vlasina River Basin, and the results obtained could be used for more adequate management of land and water resources, sustainable planning of the forest ecosystems and environmental protection.
Key words: Gavrilović method, erosion coefficient, bare-soil index, sediment production, Vlasina River Basin
© 2019 Serbian Geographical Society, Belgrade, Serbia. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 SerbiaFull Text:
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